"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu invites us to reflect on our courage to take the first step and to dive into our inner travel. Life is indeed a journey, not a destination. When we start walking and breathing, we surrender to our feelings and emotions. This acceptance of our inner world, leads us to conquer our mountain. As an inspiring writer, photographer and journalist, Tiziano Terzani believed that mountains, like the sea, remind us about the sense of greatness by which we human beings are inspired. That same greatness is also in each of us, but it is difficult for us to recognize it. This is why we are attracted to the mountains.
This particular program will be focused on breathing, walking into nature and its vastness and recognizing the greatness found within us.
“Love is the goal; life is a journey.” – Osho